John Poltorak
2005-10-09 11:23:59 UTC
Good to see you still on the OS/2 scene Mr Sawataishi!

I seem unable to get mail through to you, but could do with some help from
you in getting UX2BS updated.
At Sat, 27 Aug 2005 15:18:47 +0200 (CEST),
I would like to use the latest Ghostscript with XFree86/OS2. I have
been able to compile a version that works but when used with GSView it
causes a system hang. A while ago, somebody solved this problem by
giving the X-enabled version's executable and DLL different names
(gs.exe and gsdllx.dll). The executable poses no problem but I don't
know how to do this for the DLL.
Can anybody tell me what files in the source have to be changed?
Rewrite os2.mak: Change "-Zomf -Zsys" to "-Zomf -Zmtd"
Re-compile gsview, and ghostscript with XFree86 feature will
work fine with gsview.
# OS/2 is not a question, it's a solution.
# http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~vtgf3mpr/