Christian Hennecke
2005-08-15 19:58:46 UTC
Is anyone able to see thumbnails for JPEGs or load JPEG files? Here,
the jpeg.exe plug-in always crashes with a "fatal error: segmentation
fault". BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG work nicely.
Actually, also GIMP 1.2.2 shows the behaviour and running most of the
executables from creates the following message:
"Process terminated by SIGSEGV
Der ProzeĆ wurde gestoppt. Der Softwarediagnosecode
(Fehlercode der Ausnahmebedingung) ist 0005."
The entry in POPUPLOG.OS2 is:
08-15-2005 21:49:03 SYS3175 PID 0059 TID 0001 Slot 00c2
P1=00000002 P2=002bffd4 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=002bffc0 EBX=000afbb4 ECX=000afff0 EDX=000affe8
ESI=0001001e EDI=000afff0
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1d148fea CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:000afb04 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=000afb08 FLG=00012296
JPEG.DLL 0001:00008fea
The archive unzipped nicely and running zip -T against it
showed no errors either.
I've check my PATH and LIBPATH statements for duplicates but it all
looks OK.
Any ideas?
Christian Hennecke
the jpeg.exe plug-in always crashes with a "fatal error: segmentation
fault". BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG work nicely.
Actually, also GIMP 1.2.2 shows the behaviour and running most of the
executables from creates the following message:
"Process terminated by SIGSEGV
Der ProzeĆ wurde gestoppt. Der Softwarediagnosecode
(Fehlercode der Ausnahmebedingung) ist 0005."
The entry in POPUPLOG.OS2 is:
08-15-2005 21:49:03 SYS3175 PID 0059 TID 0001 Slot 00c2
P1=00000002 P2=002bffd4 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=002bffc0 EBX=000afbb4 ECX=000afff0 EDX=000affe8
ESI=0001001e EDI=000afff0
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1d148fea CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:000afb04 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=000afb08 FLG=00012296
JPEG.DLL 0001:00008fea
The archive unzipped nicely and running zip -T against it
showed no errors either.
I've check my PATH and LIBPATH statements for duplicates but it all
looks OK.
Any ideas?
Christian Hennecke